
Misschien kan dit huis ook iets zijn voor je vrienden of collega's? Deel mij :-)


Type Appartement
Prijs € 620 per maand
Contract Huurwoningen
Locatie Cruquiusweg 79C, 1019 AT Amsterdam
Aantal badkamers 1
Aantal slaapkamers 1
Aantal woonlagen 1
Aantal (m2) 32 m2
Soort bouw Nieuwbouw
Bouwjaar 2021
Conditiescore woning Goed
Energielabel A+
Zonnepanelen 1
Gevelisolatie Ja
Dakisolatie Ja
Koken Gas
Contractvorm Bepaalde tijd
Inrichting Ongestoffeerd
Bouwjaar boiler 1980
  • Gelijkvloerse woningen

Check de afstand naar jouw vrienden,school of werk of ome Harry

Voeg locatie toe
Check de cijfers van deze gemeente


This beautiful 1-room studio is located in Amsterdam on the Cruquiusweg. The apartment has a living area of 32 m2, was built in 2021 and has an energy label A+.

Nice living in Amsterdam. That's possible in this area. Cruquiusweg 79C is located in the Cruquiusbuurt area. The neighborhood has a relatively large number of young residents between the ages of 25 and 44. Furthermore, it is a relatively quiet neighborhood considering the population density.

The house is reasonably to easily accessible with many facilities nearby. Situated within cycling distance of the center of Amsterdam. In addition, the nearest exit road in the vicinity is just a 4-minute drive away.


Dana Parker

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