Pa Verkuijllaan 145, 1171 ED Badhoevedorp, Nederland

Misschien kan dit huis ook iets zijn voor je vrienden of collega's? Deel mij :-)


Type Appartement
Soort woning Bovenwoning, Appartement
Prijs € 1.582 per maand
Contract Huurwoningen
Locatie 1171 ED Badhoevedorp
Aantal badkamers 1
Aantal slaapkamers 2
Aantal kamers 3
Aantal woonlagen 1
Aantal (m2) 65 m2
Soort bouw Bestaande bouw
Bouwjaar 1900
Inhoud (m3) 150 m3
Perceeloppervlakte (m2) 65 m2
Status Ingetrokken
Aanvaarding per datum
Gelegen op woonlaag 2
Contractvorm Onbepaalde tijd

Check de afstand naar jouw vrienden,school of werk of ome Harry

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2 bedroom apartment with balcony is located on the third floor of an apartment complex in the center of Badhoevedorp, close to Schiphol Airport and the major roads A4 , A9 and A10.


Central entrance with staircase. Entrance of the apartment on the third floor. Hallway with access to all rooms. Bright living room with spacious seating area. Separate kitchen with a gas hob with extractor, a lose fridge-freezer, a lose dishwasher, a lose washing machine(lose items will be left by tenant but will not be renewed by braking.). From the kitchen access to the sunny balcony, facing West. Spacious bedroom and closet and access to the recently renovated bathroom with shower, sink and radiator. Second bedroom that can also serve as an office. Separate toilet with basin. On the ground floor is a private storage box.

Overall, a spacious apartment. Around the building is plenty of free parking and several public transport options (bus 145, 177, 192) and shops are within walking distance.

Only for 1 person or couple.


Allround Housing

Telefoonnummer : 0204236338

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